Unity through Repentance: The Journey to Wittenberg 2017
Chapter 7
You’ve read Chapter 7, and you just can’t wait for more? Don’t worry, we got you!
Kathy, Phillip, Steve
On March 13, 2022, Phillip Owens led worship at Hope Chapel. (First of all, rejoice that a Catholic is leading worship at a Protestant non-denominational church!) He played Kathy Kanewske’s song from Psalm 23, The Lord My Shepherd Is.
Phillip begins with a personal story of how Kathy wrote the song for him, in a critical time in his life. He had been fired as worship leader at a non-denominational church, and was devastated. This began the path that led him and his family into the Catholic church.
Kathy was in the Well with my parents, back in the Jesus people days. I remember one day, when I was 7, saying to her, “I want to ask Jesus into my heart.” We prayed together right then and there, on the electrical spool that served as a table.
(Kathy also wrote another song that became one of the theme songs for the Wittenberg 2017 initiative … see Chapter 17.)
Towards the end of the video, Steve Hawthorne comes up and speaks about the song, unfolding some of the glory of the way Kathy shaped its lyrics. Steve, who is the editor of the Perspectives course, attends Hope Chapel and is well loved for these types of mid-worship-song encouragements.
(He sits in the pew behind the one our family usually sits in - in the wide angle shots towards the end, you can see me, John Patrick, and Clara, with Steve and his wife Barb behind.)