Unity through Repentance: The Journey to Wittenberg 2017
Chapter 13
“Where are the Jews?”
You’ve read Chapter 13, and you’re wondering - where is more? Don’t worry, we got you!
The League of Powerful Women
On our first trip to Hainburg, during a break, I noticed Amy sitting down and interacting with three other women. I had gotten to know a little about all three, and so I walked up and remarked, “Wow, this is a table of powerful women!”
Nancy immediately fixed me with a direct gaze and asked: “Does that intimidate you?” 😂
(I responded, “No, not at all.” One of the hallmarks of the Wittenberg 2017 initiative was strong and effective women leaders, including of course Amy.)
From left to right: Amy, Marianna from Israel, Petrina from Australia, and Nancy from New York / Israel
The Three Messianic Jews

We met Hanna Miley (far left) in 2008 (well, actually earlier - see below). The man in the center is also a Messianic Jewish leader, whose appearance and wisdom struck Amy and me as very Jedi-like!

We met Julia originally in 2008, in Herrnhut. This picture was taken in Antakya (Antioch), Turkey.

We met Marianna Gol in Hainburg, Austria in 2011, at the first Achana meeting we attended in Fr. Peter's ministry center.

Meeting with the Mileys in the Sanders apartment in Berlin, one week after the 2010 trip to Wittenberg. It was during this time that I told George that Wittenberg 2017 could be an initiative owned by Antioch Network.
George and Hanna with Hans & Claudia Wiedenmann, at the Kurparkhotel, Gemünd
Thomas poses with Fr. Kentinich upon arrival at the Schönstatt shrine, where he will meet with Hans & Rita Scholz
A noble profile of George Miley, waiting at the receptionist's desk in Schönstatt
Praying with Hans-Joakim Scholz and his wife Rita, after a wonderful meeting at Schönstatt
Dr. Johannes Hartl, teaching at the gathering of Evangelisch (Protestant) pastors in Schönstatt, which Hans Scholz was attending
At the gathering of the GGE (association of Lutheran charismatic pastors in Germany), in Schönstatt. Henning Dobers, the man in the center of the photo, would play a significant role in the later Wittenberg 2017 gatherings
Lutheran pastors praying for a Roman Catholic theologian (!)
Thomas happened upon Nürburgring, the most famous auto racetrack in the world, on his way back from meeting with Hans & Rita ... and couldn't resist stopping to watch the BMWs, Mercedes, and Audi race by!
Another Nürburgring story
In June 2013, I was back in Europe. The timing was quite remarkable. Hanna Miley had been invited to be the matron of honor for the 800th anniversary celebration of her hometown, Gemünd. In 1939, she and her parents had been exiled from this city … now 70+ years later, they were honoring her and seeking to remember the story of the Jews who had been expelled.
I wanted to travel to document the events, but it was impossible. I prayed. I was called into my supervisor’s office at Athens Group. “Thomas, we’re sorry - but a job has suddenly come up, and we have to send you to the Netherlands.” And voila! - I would be able to attend and photograph Hanna as she received her city’s public repentance.
Well, I wasn’t alone, but had a work colleague named Shannon who accompanied me. When I told him I would be traveling to Germany over our weekend off, and why, he asked to accompany me. He was a photographer and ended up taking some wonderful pictures of the laying of the Stolpersteine in Gemünd.
He was also a car guy. And when he found out that Nürburgring was on the way, he started salivating. It turns out that between races, if you pay 20 euros you can take your own car out on the famous track. “Oh, please, please, can I take one lap around?”
“Sure,” I replied, and he drove happily away.
Then I began sweating. This was a rental car. And I was pretty sure that crashes on race tracks were not covered by the insurance. Had I made a terrible mistake that would cost Athens Group thousands of dollars? Not to mention the possibility of having to explain Shannon’s sudden demise to our client.
So when Shannon reappeared several hours later, still shaking with adrenaline, to show me the photos he had taken and recount the more terrifying curves and hills of Nürburgring … I was greatly relieved!
I’m sure Shannon has never forgotten that day, and has told this story many times. How often do you get a chance to drive the world’s greatest race track?
The 2011 Achana Meeting
Our first Achana meeting introduced us to the way it worked - everyone in a large circle, and Fr. Peter always in the center of things!
Mariana (on the left)
During the meeting, Marianna interacting with Sr. Mary Paul. Sr. Mary Paul was Fr. Peter's right-hand-helper, and she originally was from ... wait for it ... Texas! It was so wonderful to walk into this historic house in Hainburg, Austria, and be greeted by a warm Texas accent!
Worship was led by Adam, from Poland
Val (from Scotland) and Fr. Peter. Val would come to the final gathering of Wittenberg 2017.
Links related to Chapter 13
Yachad BeYeshua
Streams of Living Water