Unity through Repentance: The Journey to Wittenberg 2017

Chapter 25

The Beauty of Completability

You’ve read Chapter 25, and you’re hungry for more beauty? Don’t worry, we got you!

More Photos Of Lovely People

♥️ Mothers taking care of babies in the back ♥️

Into the Streets of Wittenberg

From Chapter 14 of Unity Through Repentance:

In 2017, we were in Wittenberg once again. A large group of us, representing many Christian streams, walked through the streets. In humility before the Lord, we softly sang praises. I looked at the eyes of the local citizens. Surprised and curious, they stopped and stared. I watched as gradually expressions softened.

Three of us led the procession: Peter, a dedicated Roman Catholic brother; Pfarrer Henning Dobers, a Protestant leader; and myself, a Messianic Jew. Peter and Henning took turns carrying the large wooden cross. Our crucified and risen Savior was the source of our unity.

- Hanna Miley


George & Hanna, Thomas & Amy

The last day, November 5, George and Hanna spoke first, followed by Thomas and Amy talking about the Beauty of Completability.


The last leadership team meeting

Celebrating what God did, and saying a heartfelt “Farewell” to each other

“Righteous Father, although this world does not know you, I know you, and my disciples know that you have sent me into this world.”

John 17:25 (IEB)


Chapter 24 - The Joy of Repentance


Chapter 26 - “Unless A Seed Fall Into The Ground”