Unity through Repentance: The Journey to Wittenberg 2017
Chapter 20
Death of a Father
You’ve read Chapter 20 and you’re hungry for more of Fr. Peter? We don’t blame you!
Photos, 2008 - 2012
2014 - 2016
Fr. Peter had a special chair he always sat in, in Hainburg
The Thunderclap from Heaven
You can see my father in the picture above from the 2016 meeting, in the front row just to the right of the center aisle. My mother is next to him. Here is part of what my dad wrote for his memory of the Wittenberg meetings, which is quoted in the book:
I heard ... Fr. Peter Hocken’s comment that was followed by loud thunder from the thunderstorm in progress at the time. Hocken got an impish grin on his face and said that the thunder showed God’s approval of his words.
Fr. Peter died on June 10, 2017
From Chapter 20:
News of his death spread quickly around the world. People from many nations, denominations, and all ranks of life flocked to Hainburg for his funeral. I am sure local residents were shocked that day to find streets blocked by a colorful crowd of young people singing, Jews praying the Kaddish, and vested clergy processing with the coffin of the odd old priest who lived among them. They must have wondered—“Who was this man?”