Unity through Repentance: The Journey to Wittenberg 2017

Chapter 4

God’s Landmine

You’ve read Chapter 4, and you’re hungry for more? Don’t worry, we got you!

Peggy’s Baptism

In the year 2000, when Peggy was five years old, she came downstairs one day, sopping wet.

"Peggy, what happened?"

"I baptized myself.”


What does this story have to do with Chapter 4?

This beautiful photo from the baptism shows Amy's friend Margaret in the back. She and her husband had moved back to Austin, and our daughters were now playmates!


We brushed this off as just play, but a few days later the scene repeated itself exactly.

Amy pulled me aside. "I think this child is ready to be baptized," she said.

"But does she really understand what baptism is?" was my reply.

"Do any of us?" Amy wisely responded.

So, after a few lessons on the meaning of baptism, we baptized Peggy in my parents' fish pond.

The Big Bend Trip

“I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do.”

John 17:4 (IEB)


Chapter 3 - Power Plant of Prayer


Chapter 5 - Switzerland