The Sacrifice of Isaac, Marc Chagall
Some time later God tested Abraham. - Gen. 22:1
I wonder how many thoughts ran through Abraham’s head when the Lord spoke to him concerning Isaac? Did our father doubt his hearing? The text gives no reason to think that was the case. Did He question the Lord’s righteousness? The text records no pleading with the Lord as Abram had done for Lot. It seems there was something so compelling about the call that Abraham did not hesitate or even intercede on his son’s behalf. Of course, the text is sparse. We do not know what Abraham thought or said to the Lord. What is important for us to know is that he obeyed without delay.
The writer of Hebrews tells us, “ By faith Abraham, when he was tested, offered up Isaac… concluding that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead.” In my younger years, this confident assertion concerning Abraham’s inner deliberations bothered me. But if all scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit, so why should I doubt this conclusion?
I have come to suspect that there was something in the way the Lord spoke which inspired hope in Abraham. This is not to minimize his trial in any way! I have no doubt that Abraham was in agony from the time of the call up to the moment that he raised his hand to pierce Isaac. But I believe that Abraham understood that the Lord Himself was invested in Isaac’s fate. He had given His word concerning the boy. He had promised to make Isaac a great nation. Thus the Lord was also tested by Abraham’s obedience. He would have to prove Himself faithful or prove Himself false. And if the God who holds all power is a liar, what hope is there for mankind?
I wonder as well if God was really searching Abraham’s heart, or did Satan ask to test Abraham as he demanded to sift Peter and Job? Did God need to see if Abraham would crack under a request for the unthinkable? I doubt that. Rather, it was an honor given to Abraham to play the Father’s own role in a prophetic anticipation of history’s climax- when God would offer His only Begotten for our sakes. I believe it was a test which shook the heavens and set the Accuser quaking.
To be tested by God is a frightful honor. Peter’s sifting was agonizing, as was Job’s; but their victory is eternal. Not only are they remembered with honor, their faith has inspired faith in countless others. The writer of Hebrews informs us that God does not always interrupt the sacrifice of his friends. Countless saints have been tested by exile, affliction and death, and we are told, the world was not worthy of them. They have received an eternal city - an inheritance beyond imagining. Their names are written with honor in the Book of Life; they are inscribed on the pillars of the City of God.
Jesus tells the young church in Smyrna, ““I know your works, tribulation, and poverty (but you are rich)….. Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer…..Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” Passages like these remind us that God is not afraid of death because He sees beyond it. He knows the life that we will inherit, and He knows that all we be well. Thus, I think, He dares to put some His friends to the test so that the angels themselves may look on with wonder.
I have been thinking about Abraham, Peter and Job for many years now - marveling at the mystery of friendship with God - fearing a test like theirs, yet longing to be proven a friend of God. This year, the Lord has seen that desire and led me into testing. I am not yet through the fire, but in faith I see the Lord waiting on the other side. I believe a similar hope carried both Abraham and Isaac through their test.